Lighting styles

The most basic and common lighting setups for any film or music video are done with three main types of lights: Key, Fill and backlight. Each of these lights have its own function and have been usually found with the combination of each other to create the desired lighting effect. When lighting is used, the intent is to simulate the light that may occur under normal conditions in the filming area spaces.

Key Light
  • The key is the brightest light and casts the primary shadows, giving a sense of direction to the lighting.

Fill Light

  • The main function of the fill light is to fill in the shadows produced by the key light without casting a distinct shadow of its own.


  • Backlights, sometimes called hair, rim or edge lights, are placed on the opposite side of the subject from the camera, high enough to be out of view.

Set Light

  • A fourth basic light, the set light, may be used to illuminate the background. Usually the background is partly lit by the key and fill lights, as well as by several set lights.

Lighting Styles

  • Lighting choices should be made before beginning to film, and should be based on the lighting style you hope to achieve


Back Lighting is used to illuminate the character from the back, therefore separating them from the background, this creates a ‘halo’ effect on the shoulders of the subject, and portrays the subject as more ‘pure’  &  ‘heroic’. Less of a backlight makes the character seem secretive and hidden

This is a ‘YouTube’ video that I have found that clearly demonstrate the types of lighting that’s used in music videos and the visual impact it has on the overall appearance.

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