Filming – Part Three…

On the 8th of October, we met up at 12.30pm and began to make our way to Glinton to do some filming. When arriving we successfully managed to get access into school to do the filming in the staff room where we would like to be located. After 30mins of setting up and filming a member of security had kicked the us out of our desired location, which caused massive amounts of time wasting and technical problems. The biggest problem that we are facing with our filming is that our main and only actor doesn’t attend Arthur Mellows Village College anymore; creating the dilemma of only having access of Dom in the weekends, when having part time jobs in the way. Arthur Mellows is not normally open during the weekends but luckily the school is currently getting newly refurbished in certain departments. Therefore we will need to get an approval agreement for the school to be open on the dates specified. We would also need a formal letter from our media teacher Mr Zadi, giving a written permission approval to use any area of the school. Unfortunately, when we arrived in school, we were forced to leave the property as no students are allowed to be located within in the school’s land during pupil closing times.

In conclustion not much filming could take place today, a lesson was to be learnt that no only do we need verbal permission but a formal permission letter with us at all times for our filming times and destination to be eligible. From this experience we shall be more organised and arrange a solid weekend when we can get the schools full permission and letter, allowing us to do some filming when Dom is fully available, preventing anymore problems occurring on our filming days.

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