Editing day two….

Once we finished filming (Filming Day 2)  I got onto editing the scenes into Sony Vegas at school.

One of the hardest part of making a successful music video was making the lip syncing matching the song in harmony. If the lip syncing is bad it ruins the whole music video’s effect. Therefore it was essential for us to make sure Dom’s Lips matched correctly to the song, luckily we practiced lip syncing for our preliminary task to test if we had the ability to create a little music video test, working out the best way to lip sync. (to view our preliminary task click on this link) Lip syncing exercise 

Sneak Peak of Our Music Video ;)

Once had finished filming the alleyway scene we needed to make sure this could fit two parts of the song for example the chorus is normally repeated throughout music videos. We then cut this scene into parts and placed them along the timeline so it narrative makes sense.

Not much editing could take place apart from placing the scenes in the correct places and cutting them correctly to parts of the song. When all shots had been cut and placed in order, we did some further editing like colour correction practice, preparing ourselves for the later stages of the editing process.

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